What is Letting Go? How to Surrender

In several of my videos I’ve mentioned the concept of “letting go” or surrender, but I also recognize that it is challenging to describe what that means. Letting go is not a “doing”, as in it’s not something you can ‘do’… rather it’s something that you experience or allow. I’ve done my best to describe how I personally experience Letting Go in this video:

It can be related to being in the Zone when performing a sport, or being in the flow with art or music. Initially one may need to practice letting go by using meditation and other such practices and there will be a technical aspect to this practice which requires thinking. But once you experience this ‘surrender’ it becomes natural and eventually you can ‘let go’ of thinking entirely and rise above thought by dissolving yourself into this experience.
That’s when the magic happens. For example when you completely let go of thinking during meditation or surrender into a breakthrough psychedelic experience… the magic happens when you just let go and let it happen. Let go of your beliefs, opinions, attachments, desires, cravings, addictions, judgement, and over-thinking. Let go of all self-grasping or egoistic-identification.
In my experience, it is necessary to quiet your mind, let go of ego, and fully surrender to experience full awareness and to become truly present. One cannot “think” ones way to enlightenment. So many people are focused on strategies, conspiracies, and looking for evidence externally (ie: numbers, patterns, symbols, secret societies, lizard aliens, entities, etc). Let go of ALL of that!
Don’t be attached. Be still. Quiet your thoughts. Release your fear/anger/paranoia. Stay in this moment of NOW. Go within. Letting go allows your true self to lead; you get quiet and still enough to hear your higher self, perhaps through your intuition. Trusting that your higher self knows all you need to know.
Forget what you’ve been taught so you can remember what you know
Letting go may be related to: Release, surrender, acceptance, non-judgement, detachment, stillness, peace of mind, unity consciousness, openness, emptiness.
Maybe you can think of it like this: when you’re having a profound experience, you may start to analyze it intellectually or “think” about what it means, what you should do with it later, try to remember it, or how you should act or think in order to “make the experience happen”.
All of that creates resistance to fully being in the experience. It’s almost as if you need to be prepared to let yourself totally dissolve into what’s happening … almost like you become nothing; you release everything. As your thoughts and judgements and beliefs and logical mind try to jump in, you simply be aware of it all and gently let it all drift by… don’t be attached to any of it.
In my own experience, meditation is one of the best ways to practice letting go.