Recommended Self-Realization Resources

Since my initial “Awakening” experience with DMT, I’ve had several other powerful realizations which have dramatically shifted my awareness and expanded my consciousness. For myself, this was not something that arose from reading, watching, or learning from others… it is very personal and experiential.

Having said that, once I did begin reading more about spirituality and watching related documentaries or learning from great spiritual masters and other ” woke folk” throughout history, this helped to provide a framework for my experiences. It helped give me some context for my own realizations, which made it easier to integrate this new awareness into my life. I also started to see so much synchronicity in everything I was reading… the Truth is the Truth, regardless of how it was expressed.

So although you cannot intellectually and logically ‘educate’ yourself into enlightenment, studying and learning from others who have gone before can support your own spiritual evolution. Here are some resources I’ve found interesting, enlightening, enriching or helpful on my journey of elevating my energy and consciousness:


Alan Watts

You can just search his name on Youtube and find plenty of videos… choose the ones that speak to you. Here are a few:

=> Click Here to Watch Alan Watts Videos

Leo at

Definitely subscribe to this channel and take time to watch a few videos. These are slightly longer videos but Leo will take you to school and expand your mind beyond what you might expect!:

=> Leo at on YouTube

Kyle Cease

Sub to Kyle’s channel and digest his nuggets of wisdom and self-realization:

=> Kyle Cease, Life Coach

Here is a link to the longer live event video of his I mentioned:

Watch The Limitation Game, Free.

Ra: The Law of One

This is a long playlist but it’s worth taking time to watch portions of it when you can:

Awaken the World Film

So many incredible films and guided meditations on this channel:

=> Watch Inner Worlds – Outer Worlds and Samadhi

Trust my recommendation on this and check out the following playlists (Samadhi; Inner Worlds – Outer Worlds):


I forgot to mention him in my video but I’ve been following Sadhguru ever since my DMT awakening. He has a pure, authentic perspective on our “reality”:

=> Sadhguru – Inner Engineering

Some of the books I recommend include:

  • The Four Agreements
  • Be Here Now
  • Siddhartha
  • Ask and It Is Given
  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • Tao Teh Ching
  • Any resources from Pema Chodron
  • Anything from Eckart Tolle

I think that’s enough for now… Enjoy!

until next time, stay awake.